Signs of Life: Photos
Signs of Life: Puppetry, Emotions, Embodiment and Empathy was a symposium funded by the Leverhulme Trust which took place on Friday 20 October at QMUL. Here you can see some photos of the event: of puppeteers Teele Uustani and David Emmings and our artist-in-residence, Mervyn Millar and of the panellists Mervyn Millar, Tiffany Watt Smith, Emily Cross, Matthew Longo, Susanne Quadflieg and Joel Smith. All photos were taken by Gary Schwartz. Gary also filmed the event and we’ll be posting the video online soon. Watch this space.

L-R: Teele, David and Mervyn

L-R: Teele, David and Mervyn

L-R: Mervyn, Emily, Matthew, Susanne, Joel and Tiffany

Joel Smith

Mervyn Millar

Tiffany Watt Smith