We are pleased to announce the details of ‘Happiness in Political and Moral Thought’, a symposium organised by the Centre’s Professor Georgios Varouxakis (Queen Mary University of London) with the assistance of Professor Mark Philp (Warwick) and Professor Philip Schofield (UCL, Bentham Project).
Speakers and topics:
- Barbara Arneil (University of British Columbia): “The Failure of Planned Happiness: The Rise and Fall of British Home Colonies”.
- Roger Crisp (St Anne’s College, Oxford): “Shaftesbury, Hutcheson, and Mill on Pleasure and Virtue”
- Emmanuelle de Champs (Université de Cergy-Pontoise / Max Weber Kolleg, Erfurt): “From ‘public happiness’ to ‘the greatest happiness of the greatest number’: The promise of progress in the writings of Condorcet and Bentham”
- Manuel Escarmilla-Castillo (Universidad de Granada): “Bentham and President Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms”
- Paul Kelly (LSE): “Asceticism, False-Consciousness and Resentment: Bentham and the Genealogy of Morality”
- Ellen Kennedy (The University of Pennsylvania): “Liberty: Variations on a Theme in the Work of Wilhelm von Humboldt, J. S. Mill & Walter Eucken”
- Antis Loizides (University of Cyprus): “James Mill on Happiness”
- James Moore (Concordia University): “Scepticism and Epicureanism from David Hume to J. S . Mill”
- Michael Quinn (UCL): “‘The first article to look to is power’: Jeremy Bentham, Happiness, and the Capability Approach”
- Jonathan Riley (Tulane University): “Competing Conceptions of Plural Utility: Bentham versus Mill”
- Alan Ryan (New College, Oxford): “Inductive and Progressive?”
- Philip Schofield (UCL): “Jeremy Bentham and the Spanish Constitution of 1812”
- Frederick Rosen (UCL): “Parallel Lives in Logic: John Stuart Mill, George Bentham, and Darwin’s Origin of Species” [t.b.c.]
- David Weinstein (Wake Forest University/ Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg): “Making Better Sense of Ideal Utilitarianism”
Please note: Places for this event are strictly limited, and will be allocated to those who apply first. If you wish to know if there are places left, please email Georgios Varouxakis (g.varouxakis@qmul.ac.uk).