The Centre for the Study ofthe History of Political Thought

5th London Summer School in Intellectual History

The programme for the annual London Summer School in Intellectual History has been announced — click here to view the full list of masterclasses, panel discussions and presentations that will be taking place from 5 – 8 September 2016.

Please note that while these sessions are only open to registered participants, the public is welcome to attend the opening keynote lecture by Prof. David Armitage (Harvard) on ‘Cosmopolitanism and Civil War’ and the final keynote lecture by Prof. Quentin Skinner (QMUL) on ‘Why Shylock loses his case: judicial rhetoric in The Merchant of Venice‘. Both keynote lectures will be held at PP1, People’s Palace, QMUL.

Important update: The venue for the final keynote lecture on the 8th of September has changed to Bancroft 2.40 (2nd floor of the Bancroft Building). As there is another building with a similar name on the Mile End campus, please note that the Bancroft Building has blue windows and is located at the end of the Jewish cemetery.