Annual Lecture: Lyndal Roper on ‘Emotions and the German Peasants’ War 1524-25′
Thursday 21st November, 2019
18:30, Arts Two Lecture Theatre, Mile End Campus, Queen Mary University of London
We are delighted that Professor Lyndal Roper (Oxford) will give the Centre for the History of Emotions Annual Lecture for 2019 on Thursday 21st November at 6.30pm in the Arts Two Lecture Theatre, QMUL, Mile End Campus. Professor Roper’s lecture is titled ‘Emotions and the German Peasants’ War 1524-25′. Tickets are free but booking is essential.
How should historians study emotions to help them understand the past? The German Peasants’ War of 1524/5 was the biggest popular uprising in Western Europe before the French Revolution. It altered the course of the Lutheran Reformation, making it far more conservative. Thousands were slain as the revolt was bloodily suppressed. If we are to understand what made people risk everything they had to engage in rebellion, we need to understand their emotions, and we also need to understand theology differently. This paper outlines the emotional patterns of the Peasants’ War and asks how they can help explain what happened.
Doors at 6.00pm, lecture at 6.30pm. The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception in the Arts Two Building. For directions to Mile End and a campus map, see
All welcome, but booking via Eventbrite is essential: