Workshop on Roger Smith’s Being Human: Historical Knowledge and the Creation of Human Nature (2007)
Monthly Archives: March 2015
‘The Emotion of Objectivity’, with Dr Paul White
Dr Paul White, University of Cambridge
‘Next Steps in the History of Emotion: Challenges and Opportunities’, with Professor Peter Stearns
Professor Peter Stearns, George Mason University
‘The Adrenaline Century 1900-2000’, with Dr Otniel Dror
Dr Otniel Dror, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
‘A History of Trauma: Anglo-American Languages of Suffering’, with Professor Joanna Bourke
Professor Joanna Bourke, Birkbeck, University of London
‘Medicine, Emotions and the Law’
Symposium on ‘Medicine, Emotions and the Law’.
Speakers: Dr Fay Bound Alberti, Dr Thomas Dixon, Professor Michael Lobban, and Dr Rhodri Hayward.
Respondent: Professor Richard Ashcroft
CRASSH conference: ‘Sympathies and Antipathies’
‘Sympathies and Antipathies: Altruism and Emotional Response Across the Disciplines’
(Speakers include members and associates of this Centre.)
Poster available for download:
2009 CRASSH Conference
‘Reinstating the Passions: Lessons from the History of Passion and Emotion’
Professor Louis Charland, University of Western Ontario
‘Towards a New History of Western Emotions’, with Professor Barbara Rosenwein
Professor Barbara Rosenwein, Loyola University (with a response by Professor Miri Rubi, Queen Mary, University of London)
‘Biology’s Gift: Interrogating the Turn to Affect’, with Dr Felicity Callard
Dr Felicity Callard (Institute of Psychiatry, KCL) and Dr Constantina Papoulias (Middlesex University)