Famine: Screening and Panel Discussion


Thursday, 22 June

Famine is a Russian film depicting the 1921-22 famine in Russia and Ukraine and international relief efforts. It has been banned in Russia.


About this event

Famine (original title: Golod, Russia, 2023, 76 min., colour / b&w, Norwegian-French-Bashkir-Tatar-Russian).

The film highlights the terrible famine of 1921-22 and the international relief efforts, which sought to transcend political divisions

In the film, experts from different countries discuss the causes of the famine,and the international relief effort, a watershed in the history of humanitarianism. The Nansen Mission (International Committee of the Red Cross), the American ARA, the English Quakers,Save the Children Fund and several dozen other organizations, which worked in Soviet Russia and Ukraine at the time, helped people survive, after the Soviet government appealed to the world for the help. The famine of the 1921-22 became seminal moment in the developmnt of humanitarian releif efforts, which should not be forgotten.However, the film has been banned in Russia, probably beacuse it shows the international efforts to help Russia and because it suggests comparisons with the famine centred in Ukraine in 1932-33, when the Soviets repressed the truth of the famine, and did not permit a call for international help.

Director :Tatyana Sorokina; Screenplay : Alexander Arkhangelsky; From an idea by Maxim Kurnikov; Cinematographers : Yuri Ermolin, Julia Galochkina, Ivan Grishin, Ivan Finogeev, Eugenia Alexandrova (France), Nicolas Romieu (France), Tigran Nersisyan (USA); Producer: Tatyana Sorokina

The film will be followed by a panel discussion chaired by Prof. Jeremy Hicks, Queen Mary University of London, and involving Prof. Georgiy Kassianov (IHead of the Laboratory of International Memory Studies, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland) and Sergei Nikitin (Independent Scholar)


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