The project Hidden in Plain Sight is divided into four distinct themes, each exploring different aspects of material mutilation: Erasures, Reformation, Jewish-Christian interactions, and Amulets. These themes include culturally significant mutilations, such as those tied to the Reformation and Jewish-Christian relations; specific forms of mutilation, like the erasure of texts and images; and certain religious items that fall outside traditional codices, such as amulets. Each theme is examined within its historical context, employing specific methodologies, technical equipment, and test cases for analysis. While three of the themes focus on pre-modern Western codices, the Amulets theme expands the project’s scope to encompass a wider range of geographical and religious contexts, including Southeast Asia and Iran, with an emphasis on both Muslim and Buddhist traditions.
By clicking on each theme, you will gain a closer look at the challenges each one presents, the specific goals of the project within that theme, the test cases examined, and some of our key results.


